Define what to do and how to do it.
We help you develop strategies and strategic plans for how new or existing programs and services can address the needs of those you want to serve. We help you imagine new solutions that make the most sense for you to pursue.
Part 01: Insight Ideation
We work with you and your stakeholders to ideate and explore what was learned during research to solidify concepts and produce buy-in to the project direction.
Coaching & Cohort Guidance
We guide you or a cohort of grantees through the step-by-step strategy needed to produce meaningful social impact. Coaching engagements take place once or twice a month for several months. For cohorts, we plan and facilitate convenings that help teams of changemakers produce real results.
Design Thinking Workshops
Design thinking is a powerful process that can help you think more strategically and solve the problems of your organization. Our design thinking workshops are helpful for developing new ideas for how to address a given challenge, while learning the foundational concepts behind Human-Centered Design.
Strategic Conferences, Workshops, & Retreats
Through a 1-3 day in-person or virtual convening, DC Design will help your team define its strategy. This may include the creation of a logic model, building consensus around strategic priorities, or combining this session with our design offering to develop one or more new initiatives.
Part 02: Strategy Creation
Our strategy work helps our clients choose the right actions by utilizing the information gathered and alignment from our stakeholder engagements.
Strategic Planning
We will help you answer hard questions about where to go next and how to cater your services and programs to best meet the needs of those you serve. Our strategic plans are different from most, incorporating actionable and specific actions your organization should take moving forward.